Class evaluation
1) The things i like about the class is that we research careers and i learn a lot about them. Sometimes even the career is new to me and i learn something new every time i have this class. 2) What i did not like about the class was that we always had to search up a medical career and it may get boring sometimes. Other times we search our own career choice and it's a little fun but not that much. 3) Maybe give the class a little bit of free time before starting to research , start or end with a little game, and instead of researching we can do something else like an activity. 4) A highlight for me was that at the end of the class we do an activity called hour of code. Where you get to play game sand switch some things about the game. So it's kinda like creating your own game. 5) At the beginning i did do my best in class on researching the topic that we had to do. I would take time to find the information i need and type it. Now since it is the last weeks of school i am ...